Diff between ALT and TITLE


Hi!<br />
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Can someone tell me what's the difference to use ALT or TITLE for a link????<br />
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ex. <br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"#" alt="some text">some text</a><br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"#" title="some text">some text</a><br />
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both do the same effect ???<!--content-->ok i found it!<br />
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alt = for image broken link purpose<br />
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title = for tool tips note<br />
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But i've got another question :<br />
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If i've need tool tips (so i'll use title) and my image link is broken, is TITLE will do the same job as ALT or i've got to use both??<!--content-->http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/special/a.html <br />
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try this theres no title atribute tho to <a><!--content-->The alt attribute is meant only for the <img> tag. This attribute gives screen readers a way to summarize the message a graphic conveys to a vision-disabled person who may not have eyesite good enough to view the picture. Another benefit of the alt attribute is that the alt text will show up in place of the image if the browser couldn't Download <!--more--> it.<br />
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The title attribute works only for the <a> tag and is meant to give a more detailed description of where the link sends you. Often a link is one to three words that can give a reader an idea of where they will be taken. The title attribute allows you to elaborate. Screen readers also read the title text before they read the link text when users tab through links.<br />
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See your post in the CSS forum for a workaround to you title text problem with non-linked words.<br />
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The alt attribute works in the <img> tag and not the <a> tag. Vice versa for the title attribute.<br />
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You should still use the title and alt attributes. If the image doesn't show up, the alt text shows instead. The title text will only show when you hover over the broken image. The title text should still elaborate on where the link will send you.<!--content-->thank alot ;)<!--content-->Title attribute works pretty much for every html element: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/attributes.html">http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/attributes.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->