I have got the Premium version from this page,
vB board: 3.7.2 (testboard/plain/no mods installed yet)
Done: all the 5 edits
Done: last edit suggestion
Tested skin: CompleteGFX dark_vb
The options did not appear when I create a new thread.
€dit: I am trying with a new skin at the moment, please suggest me if you have a problem this and could get through.
Thank you for your time.
vB board: 3.7.2 (testboard/plain/no mods installed yet)
Done: all the 5 edits
Done: last edit suggestion
Tested skin: CompleteGFX dark_vb
The options did not appear when I create a new thread.
€dit: I am trying with a new skin at the moment, please suggest me if you have a problem this and could get through.

Thank you for your time.