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The fastest way to produce content online in my opinion is speech recognition. Dragon NaturallySpeaking just came out with their newest version?Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5. Inside of their new program they have incorporated a feature that will allow you to use an iPhone as a remote microphone. This remote microphone will allow you to get up and walk around while you produce content. I am actually using the remote microphone right now. As a test, I am standing in my living room while my computer is in the office. So, I am completely across the house from the actual computer. Still, I am able to write out this text simply by talking into my phone. I have been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for a little over three years now so I'm used to it. However, I could not produce the type of content I produce with our this amazing tool. So, if you're just starting or if you are struggling producing content this is an amazing way to increase your productivity. I have also bought Dragon NaturallySpeaking for each one of my outsourcers that has been with me over six months. So, as a bonus to my outsourcers if they stay with me over six months I will actually pay for the program for them. Not only does this make them extremely happy, but also increases their productivity almost tenfold. Talk soon, Shannon Herod I agree, it works wonders and allows me to get a ton more work done. A thread like this pops up about once a month... Quote: Quote: I can't even guess how much time I've saved creating content using speech recognition software (both Dragon and the software built into Win7). One of my best tips when starting with speech recognition is don't skimp on the microphone. Get the highest quality one you can afford, as it really makes a difference in how the software interprets your speech. Quote: Nice post, I may have to give this a try. I just write by hand at the moment and doesn't bother my too much. Does DNS recognize text in Spanish? I do a lot of writing and have never tried this. It's worth a shot. However I think I am almost better writing down the words rather than dictating them. But you never know. In any case I know that speech recognition software has continuously gotten better as the hardware has gotten better. So as I said, this is good information and worth trying it out. thanks! Quote: Quote: I use the dragon dictation app on my iphone for all kinds of things... I don't even have the app on my computer, but I write articles from my iphone or create content then email it to myself... turned out to be pretty handy for creating content while on the road. I can just talk into it and email it to myself, then edit and package.. bam! Quote: