
You know the script shown on this website <br />
<br />
under DHTL/navigation/menu describer<br />
<br />
Is there anyway to get the description to appear in a seperate pop-up window<br />
<br />
And ideas?<br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
Steph<!--content-->Could you please be more specific?<br />
What website are you talking about?<br />
:confused:<br />
If you could tell us that it would help a lot, :)<br />
Thanks,<br />
Dave.<!--content-->Hi, if you want a seperate window to appear (and close again) for every link with a description on it, try <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.a1javascripts.com/mouseover_scripts/popuponmo.html">http://www.a1javascripts.com/mouseover_ ... ponmo.html</a><!-- m --> , if you want something a little different try OverLib. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.a1javascripts.com/dhtml/page_effects/overlib.html">http://www.a1javascripts.com/dhtml/page ... erlib.html</a><!-- m --> , you can enter any messing in it as long as you like.<br />
I hope this helps.<!--content-->