DHTML newbie: layers?


Staff member
I'm working on an application for work and am trying to determine whether DHTML will do what we're after. I'm also completely new to DHTML though I've used HTML and some Javascript in the past. What we have is a frame that will contain a graph. It *can* contain multiple graphs, each on it's own 'tab'. What I need to find out is if DHTML can be used to keep all the data that is on each tab locally, in the browser. Or would it be better if we made a trip to the server to retrieve the tab contents when a user clicks on a tab. Oh, and we're only concerned with supporting IE 5.5 and newer.

Also, can a new 'layer' (tab) be created on the fly? The way the graph function works is this:

the first graph would contain monthly data, ie: each point on the graph represents a month. There would be a 12 points on the graph. The user would then click on a month-point to view a second graph that shows data for the selected month. The data on that second graph would show a point for every day of the month. They click on a day and a third graph displays (on another tab) showing data by hour for the selected day. And so on. Does each of those layers (three in this example) already have to exist? And the contents just get filled in/changed? Or can the layer be created on the fly, as needed?

Thanx for anything you can suggest!
