dhtml menu describer


Hi there,<br />
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IN regards to my previous posting about the DHTML problem<br />
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The site is<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.a1javascripts.com">http://www.a1javascripts.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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dhtml/ site navigation/menu desriptions<br />
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As it is, its a good piece of dhtml but if the list of links is long the you cant see the descriptions.<br />
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So I guess a pop-up is the best idea I think but I dont want to have to have a seperate file for each link containing information about that link - ie writeto would be the best<br />
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any ideas -<!--content-->Hi, in future please continue a topic in the same thread, you do not need to start a new one unless posting a new topic. !!<br />
The description part of that script can be placed anywhere on the page, it does not have to be directly beside the links however if you have dozens that require scrolling the page to where you can no longer view the description, I suggest using the OverLib script as stated previous thread. Remember with overLib you can have a message as long as you like.<!--content-->So you cant think of anyway to write the info to another window?<br />
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