
OK.I want to start a web page, but I need to know what are these 3 things, in the title!Does I need them absolutely to create a web site?Can you give me more infos about each one?<br />
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Thanx<br />
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Alpha Leader<!--content-->hi alpha<br />
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in simple terms, cos im no expert..java is a big grown up computer programming language that you can forget about totally.you do not need this at all<br />
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javascript is a scaled down programming language but it has no connection with JAVA.javascript is really the programming language of the web, and has its own identity, a bit like visual basic and vbscript.javascript can be used to do all sorts of calculations and other complicated stuff, but a common use for it is to manipulate web pages.For instance roll overs, popup windows, form validation to name a few.you dont need to know javascript to make web pages, but it highly recommended you do(thats my opinion anyway)..<br />
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dhtml is basically what it says dynamic hyper text markup language..in reality html is just for page layout, the most dynamic it gets is <marquee> , pretty static..using either javascript to manipulate the html or vbscript(which dose not work with netscape surprise, surprise)..<br />
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confused yet ???<br />
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there is also another "web languge" jscript..this is microsofts version of javascript which is very similar in syntax..<br />
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html and javascript and vbscript would be ideal but the only thing you need to build web pages in their most basic form is html..<br />
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did i mention cascading style sheets.....:P<br />
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good luk<br />
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dafunk<!--content-->Thanx for the answer DaFunk.:)<!--content-->you can try these links for tutorials, samples, and answers to more questions concerning...HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, and DHTML.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.volcanic-design.com/volc_links.htm">http://www.volcanic-design.com/volc_links.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Well, Java, introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1995, is an object-oriented and has the look and feel of C++. Java is designed for the distributed environment of the Internet. It may be distributed along a network. It can be used to build an applet.<br />
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Javascript was introduced by Netscape. It's similar to Microsoft's Visual Basic. JavaScript is used in Web site development to do such things as: <br />
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Automatically change a formatted date on a Web page <br />
Cause a linked-to page to appear in a popup window<br />
Cause text or a graphic image to change during a mouse rollover <br />
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1 important ting to realise is that Java is not HTML embedded, but javascript is.<br />
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Dynamic HTML is a collective term for new HTML tags and options. <br />
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Both Netscape and Microsoft support: <br />
An object-oriented view of a Web page and its elements <br />
Cascading style sheets and the layering of content <br />
Programming that can address all or most page elements <br />
Dynamic fonts <br />
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It includes layering and CSS.<br />
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Related links:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/">http://www.w3.org/</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://java.sun.com/">http://java.sun.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I'd like to jump in and clarify somewhat about DHTML. Its not a standalone coding language, nor is it restricted to "marquee-like' tricks.<br />
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DHTML is comprised of no less than 3 separate and distinct languages and techniques. DHTML is composed of :<br />
HTML 4.0 or higher<br />
JavaScript 1.2 or higher (maybe 1.1)<br />
CSS Level 1 or higher<br />
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The term "Dynamic" is ambigous at best - to me it means "updatable, controllable, on-the-fly-user-initiated changes". To some it means it does something cutesy or responsive for the user viewing it - either way is correct.<br />
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At best, it is difficult to make DHTML to work in the most popular browsers identically - but identical functionality is sometimes guru work. <br />
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So, in a nutshell - no you dont need DHTML to make a website. Yes you "should" use DHTML to become unique and give your viewers the impression the site is advanced (or at least more so than your competitors!). You can also use DHTML to create a very user-friendly site (called usability) that will attract and keep users!<br />
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best o luck<!--content-->