[DGT] vBulletin Project Tools 2.0.1


New Member
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

		         Oo - 2009 - oO

[ScRiPt iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
■ Script name   : vBulletin Project Tools 2.0.1   
■ Supplied by   : DGT                                  
■ Nullified by  : DGT                                       
■ Tested by     : DGT                                       
■ Protection    : Removed                                        
■ Homepage      : http://www.vbulletin.com                      
■ Release date  : 21-06-2009                                     
■ Release type  : PHP/MySQL                                      
■ Price         : Forget it :)                                   
■ Under music   : N/A
■ NFO date      : 12 APRiL 2009


vBulletin  Project Tools  is a versatile add-on product that enhances
vBulletin  with  project management  functionality,  empowering  your
community  members  to  create projects,  contribute to tasks, submit
issues  and  view  progress  of  projects. Seamless  integration with
vBulletin  ensures  maximum  usability, and  an  administration suite
within  the  vBulletin  control panel  allows  full  customization of
projects, issues, tasks and user permissions.

[/End DeScRiPtIoN]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

 **** Validator ****

Upload all files in BINARY mode.
Run validator.php before editing files to verify release.
Use online verifier of validator.php file and you will see NFO file.
Remove both files from server after checking and enjoy.
Remember, we include validator.php and checksums.md5 in our releases.
If you don't see these files, don't trust.
Do not modify validator.php.

Online tool: v[dot]grinderz[dot]org

Please note: You should validate downloaded release before using it
via URL above.
There are so many leechers in the scene now who want to break
reputation of DGT and other groups (you know guys, who you are)

[/End iNfO aBouT rElEaSe]

[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]────────────────────────────────────────────────────

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Nullifiers
 - Professional Testers

Wanna join? Send info about your skills at join.dgt[@]guru.la

If you like this script, just buy it.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────────────────────────


Respect2: WST, GYSN, vBTeam, Gr.Community and all who helping us to
stay online. Also to all good scene groups.

[/End gReEtZ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End ScRiPt iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────
I wont download it, as i dont know whats this for, but, i will give you "Thanks" Hoxxy, you deserve more than "Thanks" ;)

@ Hoxxy, Why dont you install vS-HideHack, and use [hide] tags, so if people need to download it, they will have to reply/press Thanks..
Error 404 said:
I wont download it, as i dont know whats this for, but, i will give you "Thanks" Hoxxy, you deserve more than "Thanks" ;)

@ Hoxxy, Why dont you install vS-HideHack, and use [hide] tags, so if people need to download it, they will have to reply/press Thanks..

same here, i really don't know whats this is for... some caps will make a difference on this thread =P
anyway i will download it and test it, thanks!


is this hack?

vBulletin Project Tools
iluminati said:
same here, i really don't know whats this is for... some caps will make a difference on this thread =P
anyway i will download it and test it, thanks!

Error 404 said:
I wont download it, as i dont know whats this for, but, i will give you "Thanks" Hoxxy, you deserve more than "Thanks" ;)

@ Hoxxy, Why dont you install vS-HideHack, and use [hide] tags, so if people need to download it, they will have to reply/press Thanks..


vBulletin Project Tools is a versatile add-on product that enhances
vBulletin with project management functionality, empowering your
community members to create projects, contribute to tasks, submit
issues and view progress of projects. Seamless integration with
vBulletin ensures maximum usability, and an administration suite
within the vBulletin control panel allows full customization of
projects, issues, tasks and user permissions.

[/End DeScRiPtIoN]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

...so for instanse if you where to code a vB mod and release it from your forum you can get members that use the mod to tell you about any bugs, issues you can tell them about when you think the next version will be released and how far along it is from final release date, waht is new in new version...etc etc
Hoxxy said:
...so for instanse if you where to code a vB mod and release it from your forum you can get members that use the mod to tell you about any bugs, issues you can tell them about when you think the next version will be released and how far along it is from final release date, waht is new in new version...etc etc
For another example, in our forums, we use it to track bugs in the forum software overall. Since I'm constantly installing new mods and changing things up, members can report back if things don't look right or work out well for them.
thanks so much but can i have sum help please

Ben, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

   1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
   2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I have installed correctly but i get tht? please help
@ GUHosts, Did you setup the Usergroup permissions ? It looks like you didnt :S

@ Hoxxy, yep, i got you now.. I think i've seen something like that on some random site..