Devtool Chrome autosave not working properly


New Member
I installed devtool autosave yesterday and it was working properly. Now the server is running properly and it is showing DevTools Autosave 1.0.0 is running on h t t p : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 9 1 0 4in the terminal but the css is not being recorded. I am using ubuntu 12.04 with chromimum version 20.0.1132.47. I am editing a local file (file:///media/263003BB3003914B/Dropbox/Dropbox/Code/Jquery/effets-and-structure/index.html). I guess the problem is with dev tools options. I have tried many different kind of file path combos but it still doesnt work.Can somebody help me?thank you