Developing And Ordering System


Hi Everyone,<br />I'm new to all the backend web development stuff and need some advice. I have a client who needs a site developed to function as an ordering page for their company business cards. Here is what I need to acheive:<br /><br />1. +- 4 levels of users (ie. admin, managers, etc.)<br />2. Each level has restrictions attached to it. ie a staff person cant order cards w/CEO title<br />3. Once processed the order needs to go to a specific email address belonging to an admin of the company for approval, then once approved the order needs to be sent to the print shop via email.<br /><br />The client wants to keep it simple allowing only a few options for each user. Any help will be appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks!<br />-Paul<!--content-->
Paul,<br /><br />Welcome to the forums. While I cant offer up anything that may help I am sure someone will be along soon to provide an answer.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums paul <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> <br /><br />It almost sounds like you need a shopping cart site.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums, Paul! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumbup1:" border="0" alt="thumbup1.gif" /><!--content-->
Welcome to the forum, Paul. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Welcome to the forums. A shopping cart system might work for you. Have you tried doing a google search for anything related to this?<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums Paul <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi everyone,<br /><br />The shopping cart site may work, it just seems a little clunky to me. I'll start researching it in other places, but if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.<br /><br />Thanks!!<br />-Paul<!--content-->
If I understand you correctly you don't want to do actual credit card processing. It is more of an internal system for tracking who needs what.<br />The traditional custom solution would be using PHP for server side scripting and mysql for the db. It should be fairly straight forward. Generally I use phpmyadmin to setup the db.<br /><br />Probably can do just 2 tables:<br />Users table would be something like : username/firstname/lastname/password/level<br /><br />Orders table would be something like:<br />order_id/status (requested/approved), + card option fields.<br /><br />You would need order php pages to gather the orders.<br />You would also need process php pages to approve orders and email orders to print shop.<br />You can either do user setup using phpmyadmin.. or you can write pages for it.<br /><br />If you can't find anything packaged that fits the bill, this is an approach to solving it in a custom way.<br /><br />Hope this helps.<!--content-->