Hi everyone. I have a form that is submitted to a php page. This page then submits this data to a MySQL dB, using an UPDATE, as the form data is simply the end-user's account info, of which they can update various parts of it, such as city, address, etc.
Now, my problem is, I would like to know if anyone has suggestions for determining exactly which fields are being updated in MySQL. (i.e. city may be updated, but not the user's email address). Is there any type of MySQL diff function that I could run before and after the update to determine what has changed?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Now, my problem is, I would like to know if anyone has suggestions for determining exactly which fields are being updated in MySQL. (i.e. city may be updated, but not the user's email address). Is there any type of MySQL diff function that I could run before and after the update to determine what has changed?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.