Hey guys, so this is pretty basic. Trying to get a general overview of how you all do it. Basically in my college class we are tasked with designing a very basic web indexer. Something i am interested in playing around with is how to rank a domain on value.Here is what i currently have. I'm having a hard time determining variable values. Suggestions would be great.(# of backlinks * A)+((Month/year created - current date) * B) + (Dmoz * C) + (Yahoo Dir * D) + (PR * E) + (TLD * F) = domain valueFew notes: Domain value is an arbitrary number not its actual worth, a way of ranking domains in essence. TLD is extention:.com would get a value.net would get a value and so onYahoo and Dmoz would either return a 0 or 1.------------So lets hear it, how do you rank the value of a domain. Looking for the most basic to most complex ideas. If i hear some good ones I will share my resultsPlease note, this is for a college class not doing this for money, so fire away. I want to make it the best i can.Edit: there should be no human involvement, just the computer doing calculations.