Detecting User's Connection Speed


Hello,<br />
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I am a graphic designer, slowly learning how to create web pages. My question is: Is there a way to detect the connection someone viewing a website is using? For instance. If a user has a high bandwidth connection (DSL or Cable Modem or faster) a more graphics intense page will load. And if the user has a slow connection (modem) a "light" version of the page will load instead?<br />
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I've seen javascripts that detect the browser, but I'd like to know if I can detect the connection speed. Or do I have to provide a button for the user to choose high bandwidth or low bandwidth?<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Sam<!--content-->this is a great question. I know that some webpages can actually load a picture in a hidden frame and give an estimated 'guess' at the time the pic loads, thus assuming your connection speed. This would be a nice little trick to place on a splash page, and to auto redirect to the appropriate site. <br />
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Let me add my own question here as well:<br />
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Does anyone know of a way client side javascript/ coldfusion/ asp to detect the users pcu speed? <br />
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If I can get the mhz of the users pc, I can decide whether or not to display flash animations or to put in the animated gif counterparts. Right now I check to see what version of windows they are running.... and only display flash for win2k users (on my company intranet, win95/ 98 users run p133's). <br />
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what say you?<!--content-->by the way, heres what I think 'might' work for the cpu... but it only gives me a class. I wonder what the different cpu classes are....<br />
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<script language="javascript"><br />
document.write("<tr><td><b>CPU Class: </b></td><td>"+navigator.cpuClass+"</td>");<br />
</script><br />
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hmmmn.... just did a search, and I'm not coming up with squat. I can find out what our cpu class is for the 133mhz pcs.... but I wouldn't mind finding out what 333mhz and below cpu's are. If anyone has any idea, let me know. <br />
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by the way, here is an example of a bandwith test...<br />
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you might be able to get some ideas of testing 'behind the scenes' to get a feel for the users connection speed.<!--content-->