my current code is below. If you visit the root of my webpage you will notice that the current page is not highlighted, however when you visit a page, it works. For testing purposes, I had it return the "myPage" value to see why it isn't working... it still returns index.aspx.\[code\] Dim pageName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath) While DBReader.Read() _link = _link + "<li><a href='" + (DBReader("source")) + "'" If ((pageName) = (DBReader("source"))) Then _link = _link + "class='current' " End If _link = _link + pageName _link = _link + ">-" + (DBReader("name")) + "- </a></li>" End While\[/code\]Basically, my navigation comes from a master page that scans my database, and as it cycles through it, I want to add a css class called current.