Detecting CDATA elements in an XSLT stylesheet


New Member
Hi,I think the best way to explain the problem is to present it with an example.I have an XML file, a.xml:<doc><item>plain thing</item><item><![CDATA[any thing]]></item></doc>I wanted to define two templates in my XSLT stylesheet, one that matches"doc/item" and the other that matches doc/item/CDATA ???I know I can define the former like this:<xsl:template match="/doc/item">...</xsl:template>I do not know what I should be the pattern (if any that is) that would matchelements that have CDATA?Or at least is there a way in side the /doc/item template that I can detectif the node was a CDATA node or a plain node.The reason I want to detect this is to present the XML file's contents coloreddifferently for printing and presentation. I know DOM works, but we foundDOM too slow for large files, and XSLT very fast even as the XML file sizegrew.I would appereciate any help.Thanks,Arun