Desperatly seeking help!!!


Staff member
I want to know how I can make something, like the code below, only show up if the user is not logged in to my forums. I know it's possible to do with images cuz when not logged in you see "register" and "login" button, but when logged in, you don't. Is what I'm asking possible?

Here's the code I want to show up only when the user is not logged in.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var msg = ""; // set as global variable

msg += "<table border=\"0\" width=\"91%\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"bordercolor\" style=\"position: relative; bottom: 14px;\">";
msg += "<tr>";
msg += "<td>";
msg += "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
msg += "<tr>";
msg += "<td class=\"titlebg\" align=\"center\">";
msg += "<font class=\"text1\" size=\"2\">";
msg += "<b>Quick Forum Login</b>";
msg += "</font>";
msg += "</td>";
msg += "</tr>";
msg += "<tr>";
msg += "<td class=\"windowbg2\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\" height=\"60\">";
msg += "<FORM name=form action=\"\" method=post>";
msg += "<FONT size=1><B>Username:</B>";
msg += "<INPUT tabIndex=1 name=username> <a href=\"\"><font size=\"1\">Need to register? | </font></a> ";
msg += "<B>Password:</B>";
msg += "<INPUT tabIndex=2 type=password name=passwrd> <a href=\"\"><font size=\"1\">Forgot password?</font></a>";
msg += "<input type=hidden name=\"cookielength\" size=4 maxlength=\"4\" value=\"9999999999\" tabindex=\"3\">";
msg += "<input type=hidden name=\"cookieneverexp\" tabindex=\"4\" value=\"1\" checked>";
msg += "<INPUT accessKey=l tabIndex=5 type=submit value=Login></FONT></FORM>";
msg += "</td>";
msg += "</tr>";
msg += "</table>";
msg += "</td>";
msg += "</tr>";
msg += "</table>";
msg += "";
// -->
</script> Thanks a ton in advance!