Desperate Newbie Question...


New Member
I am working on a webpage for a client and I am new to javascript... here is my situation...

I have a webpage that has two frames...

the one on the left is the navigation bar window and the right frame is the body of the site where the information is loaded from the navigation bar...

now my problem is this ( I know it doesn't make sense, but it is what the client wants... )... there are two rollover images that have href's on them that are to go to two diffrent sections of the site, what i need then to do is that when they are clicked i need them to now only change the body frame but also the navigation frame to change the navigation menu... I was told to use the following JavaScript code to do this...

<script language=javascript>
function exisiting(){

function accountants(){


Now I was told to put these next lines of code on the rollovers but they are not buttons they are images that currently have hrefs on them...

how exactly do I put theses lines of code on the rollovers to activate the java functions....

<input type=button onclick="exisitng();">

<input type=button onclick="accountants();">

Thanks in advanced for any help...

Peace Twiggs