Desktop Alerts


I am intrested in finding out how to write a desktop alert program, basically, you Download <!--more--> an application that puts an icon on your tool bar, when you click it, it brings up a window that gives you information when the originating site updates the content. The end users know this because the icon flashes. It's basically a popup thats voluntary, I can't seem to find anything on a VB forum. Any help with this would be great. Hit me with an email <br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
thx<br />
Larson<!--content-->To open a website through vb you can use a dll distributed with ie. This might be of use... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> It basically opens the html file at the url you pick or you can put a text box in instead of a string you the user can change it. You can also change the window size. The user will need ie 5+ to use this though, because it is basically reading the code like ie in this window. I refuse to email you this advice though, you will need to check your posts, don't be so lazy :) You could have always used the email notification features of this forum.<!--content-->