Designing a help page


Is there any specific way a help page has to look? I'm trying to write up something for our sites new customers, so that we don't have to spend hours on the phone with them leading them step by step.<br />
Is there any Help page site out there that helps people design them??? Thanks for your time.<!--content-->If you want to keep things simple then create the classic FAQ page, take this W3C page for example:<br />
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Okay, bad example, their FAQ is huge. . . but the way they have created their FAQ makes it easy to navigate.<br />
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Here's an example if you want it on one page:<br />
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<a href="#questionA">1. What is the question?</a><br />
...<br />
..<br />
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<h2><a id="questionA">1. What is the question?</a></h2><br />
<p>This is the answer to the question.</p><br />
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That's how I would do it anyway.<br />
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P.S. You may want to add a link under every answer, which jumps to the top of the page for convenience.<!--content-->I like that, thank you for responding. But my boss does want a q & a page until much later. That's why I'm kind of using a more narrative form (like a tv script)... Thank you very much... I like the format of the link, but it's not an option right now.<!--content-->If you want to design a help page, it really depends on what level of help to what level of user.<br />
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For example, if you are targeting beginners, then use simple explanations with plenty of screenshots. Here's one I used for uploading using FTP. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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If your target market is above beginner then I would agree with tim and use an FAQ page or create a HOWTO page, the more advanced users like the help to be "straight and to the point"<br />
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Hope this helps<!--content-->