desiging a website


I'm tring to create a personal website and found a layout that I like. The only problem is I want to do away with CSS and use all HTML and no JavaScript on the page. The site is and has a pretty cool layout except it has a black background. I want a white background instead. <br />
<br />
I just want the layout. If you look at the page, it has a border in the table that kinda looks like a 3d effect not exactly sure how the person did it. <br />
<br />
The format reminds me of something like this:<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><title>My Page</title></head><br />
<body bgcolor="#ffffff"><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td></td></tr></table><br />
<!--Another table here--><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td></td><td valign="top"></td></tr></table><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
Any help on this would be great!<!--content-->KEEP the CSS it is valuable. And don't use table for layout use CSS.<!--content-->ok so what you want to do is know how they did a few things on the site right. Well first off I advise that you come up with your own idea and play around until you find something you like but if you really want to know how they are doing it right click and go to view source. Most people don't care if you look at the source code of the page they made and if they do they will block you from viewing it. This is a good way to get code and figure out how it works and how things are done.<br />
<br />
<table border="2" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="#666666" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><br />
<td bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF">blah blah <br />
blah</font></td><br />
</tr></table> <br />
<!--Another table here--> <br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"><tr><td></td><td valign="top"></td></tr></table><!--content-->I've looked at the source and noticed it has bunch of <DIV> tags. Should I use these or replace them with something else? I think previous browsers doens't support this tag.<!--content-->you just have to play with it and see what you like. I use them sometimes but sometimes they mess up the way I want my page to look so I take them out. If you want to figure out something on the page you are looking at when you click on view source copy everything from the page and then paste it in to your html editor on a new page. View it and then start to take stuff out so you can figure out how things were done. Like the border you like find it in the code and play with it. Here is a clean set of the code you are looking at I took out some stuff but you will still need to play with it.<br />
<br />
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<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""><br />
<html><br />
<HEAD><br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no"><br />
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<meta name="keywords" content="Shauna Kelly, home page, Microsoft, Word, tutorial, help, FAQ, beginners, beginner, learn"><br />
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<div style="background: #333333; height: 580px; width: 100%; border: none;"><br />
<p>asdf</p><br />
<div Class=HomePageMenu ><br />
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<H2 style="margin-top: 12px;">On this site</H2><br />
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<a href="photography/index.html" Title="Nothing to do with Word! This is a cheetah I photographed while on holidays in Namibia. Click here for photos of travels to various places."><br />
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<img style="float: left; border: 1px solid white;" src="images/CheetahIcon.jpg" <br />
alt="Nothing to do with Word! This is a cheetah I photographed while on holidays in Namibia. Click here for photos of travels to various places." width="57" height="53"><br />
Travel Photos &nbsp;<br />
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<p style="margin-top: 10px;">Site last updated</p><br />
<p>November 2003</p><br />
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<p style="margin-top: 10px;">All content, including all text and images, is <br />
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<div id=WordNews ><br />
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<a id=MVPLogo href="" <br />
Title="Microsoft awarded Shauna Kelly the Most Valuable Professional award for 2003 and 2004." ><br />
<img src="images/MVPLogo_Transparent.gif" <br />
width="110" height="96" <br />
alt = "Microsoft has recognized Shauna Kelly as a Most Valuable Professional for Word. Click here for information about the MVP Award and MVPs." <br />
></a><br />
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<H1 title="News about Microsoft Word. <br />
Hover over the text to pause the scrolling" >Microsoft Word news</H1><br />
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<p id=ScrollingNews><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">Tscroll_init (0)</SCRIPT></p><br />
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</html><!--content-->That's pretty much what I did and removed the JavaScript stuff too.<!--content-->So now just play with it that is the great thing about html you can see what it looks like at any time just save and load it if you don't like it change it.<!--content-->