I have an XML and the content is\[code\]<Contracts> <Contract EntryType="U" ID="401" GroupCode="1"> </Contract></Contracts>\[/code\]and I have a class with a list of contracts\[code\][XmlArray("Contracts")][XmlArrayItem("Contract", typeof(Contract))]public List<Contract> Contracts { get; set; }\[/code\]so when I try to Deserialize this, I got this error:\[quote\] "There was an error reflecting property 'Contracts'."\[/quote\]Deserialization code:\[code\]XmlSerializer reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ContractPosting));xml.Position = 0;eContractXML = (Contract)reader.Deserialize(xml);\[/code\]Here are the classes:\[code\]public partial class ContractPosting{ [XmlArray("Contracts")] [XmlArrayItem("Contract", typeof(Contract))] public List<Contract> Contracts { get; set; }}public class Contract{ [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "ContractID")] public System.Nullable<int> ContractID { get; set; } [XmlAttribute(AttributeName= "PostingID")] public string PostingID { get; set; } public EntryTypeOptions? EntryType { get; set; }} \[/code\]