deploying ASP.NET app


New Member
Help!<BR>I developed my first app in Visual Studio .NET and now I'm trying to deploy it to another machine that has only .NET SDK installed. How do I do it?<BR>I tried to just copy the application folder to another machine, like I would have for a classic asp app. I got an error in the Web.config file:<BR>"it is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."<BR><BR>Please help. Thanks<BR><BR>MasmithYou have to set up a new virtual directory for the application you just copied over to the new machine. In IIS, create a new v directory and point it at your applicaiton and your worries will vanish! Good luck!Jay,<BR><BR>thanks a lot. I thought we had tried that avenue but apparently we didn't because it's working now. thanks again.<BR><BR>masmith