So here's a personal challenge I've been going through that I would love help on. From the Big Nerd Ranch iOS book (3rd edition), I'm currently looking into editing and improving upon their chapter 29 Nerdfeed project (I have attached a google drive link below to download the entire project). I would like to be able to remove all items that are before a certain time period at my will. Say (hypothetically speaking) the feed for this application provided you with posts from yesterday. I don't want those posts to be stored anywhere in my application and want to ensure that ONLY the posts created today display in the application. Does anyone know how to go about this? I've been attempting to use the following snippet of code I wrote to cut out the older feed/items. Unfortunately, placement of this code is becoming a hassle and I can't seem to get rid of everything (from the cache, table data, and from the fetched data). The real problem takes into effect when trying to remove the items from the tableview via animations (consistent out of bounds errors). \[code\]if ([[[channelCopy items] lastObject] class] == [BNRItem class]) { NSDate *cutOffDate = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:kfeedCutOff*24*60*60]; NSLog(@"Response: %d",[[[[channelCopy items] lastObject] publishDate] compare:cutOffDate]); while (([[channelCopy items]lastObject] != NULL) && ([[[[channelCopy items] lastObject] publishDate] compare:cutOffDate] == NSOrderedAscending)) { NSLog(@"Removed: %@", [[channelCopy items] lastObject]); [[channelCopy items] removeLastObject]; }}\[/code\]within fethEntries I've attempted adding in the following snippets:\[code\]int itemDelta = newItemCount - currentItemCount;if (itemDelta > 0) { NSMutableArray *rows = [NSMutableArray array]; for (int i = 0; i < itemDelta; i++) { NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0]; [rows addObject:ip]; } [[self tableView] insertRowsAtIndexPaths:rows withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];}else if (itemDelta < 0) { //Removes outdated cells from the tableView NSLog(@"We have a problem"); NSMutableArray *rows = [NSMutableArray array]; for (int i = 0; i > itemDelta; i--) { NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRowi + currentItemCount) inSection:0]; [rows addObject:ip]; } [[self tableView] deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:rows withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationBottom];}\[/code\]I have heard that tableViews NEED at least one row inserted if you remove at the zero mark... which I've tried doing as well. Any thoughts?Project Link