Slightly different task this time round, I wish to delete files inside a specific directory with the click of a drop down option (Which calls the file name) and then followed this by a submit button click.\[code\]<?php$myFile = "testFile.txt";unlink($myFile);?>\[/code\]I am under the idea that the above code is what I need. However I make the "testFile.txt" is replaced with something along the lines of:\[code\]<?php $myFile = ?><html>Dropdown code here to list all files in directory</html><?php ; unlink($myFile); ?>\[/code\]I'm still editing and chopping the snippet so sorry if the response takes a while.Edit: I was wondering if you could help me with creating it so that it is a drop down box of all the files uploaded into the directory /uploads/ so I can delete them without searching.Thanks in advance everybody.