Delete Node if Child is empty with php?


New Member
I want to be able to to delete a node tree if a specific child is empty, but seems to do something wrong?Here is what I got:\[code\]$xml = new DOMDocument();$xml->loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><data> <game id="1"> <opponent>Michael</opponent> <oppid>1</oppid> </game> <game id="2"> <opponent>Trish</opponent> <oppid>55</oppid> </game> <game id="3"> <opponent/> <oppid>24</oppid> </game> <game id="4"> <opponent>Betty</opponent> <oppid>12</oppid> </game></data>');echo "<xmp>OLD \n". $xml->saveXML() ."</xmp>";$xpath = new DOMXpath($xml);foreach($xpath->query('//game') as $node) { if($node->opponent == ''){ echo 'Test<br>'; $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); }}echo "<xmp>NEW \n". $xml->saveXML() ."</xmp>";\[/code\]I get 4 "Test" printed out and in the NEW xmp I get nothing? What am I doing wrong?Please help and thanks in advance.