Delete IPs within a certain interval


The script deletes the IP adresses within the following tables: adminlog, moderatorlog, post, threadrate, user. It doesnt remove the banned IPs (vBulletin Options, User Banning Options, Banned IP Addresses).


1) Upload deleteip.php to /includes/cron

2) Login into your AdminCP

3) Go to Scheduled Tasks, Add New Scheduled Task

Varname: deleteip
Title: Delete IPs
Description: Delete IPs within a certain interval.
Log Phrase: Delete IPs

Set Interval.

Filename: ./includes/cron/deleteip.php
Product: vBulletin

Update Instructions:

Replace the file deleteip.php.


Version 1.01: Cron Logging - log_cron_action() added.
Version 1.02: Speed Improvement - Significantly faster without the conditionals.
Version 1.03: Added conditionals again to decrease the database load.

Remember to click thanks if I helped you ;3