

New Member
Is there any way you can delay when a fuction is loaded say for 1second?

Basicaly what i would like to do is, i hame six frames, each frame contains 1 page that calls a number of other pages with the use of an array. My problem is i would like to have the frames loading one after each other for example

frame1 - page1 0secs
frame2 - page1 1secs
frame3 - page1 2secs
frame6 - page1 5secs
frame1 - page2 6secs
frame2 - page2 7secs
frame6 - pagen nsecs

Therfore i need to delay the start of the count by 1 secs for frame2/page1, 2 ses for frame3/page1, so on and so on. Is this possible? if so how?

here is an exapmle of my code:

<script language=JavaScript>
var frame_array = new Array();

frame_array[0] = "frame2a.htm";
frame_array[1] = "frame2b.htm";
frame_array[2] = "frame2c.htm";

var frame_count = -1;
function init()
if (frame_count >= frame_array.length) frame_count = 0;
window.main.location.href = frame_array[frame_count];
// -->
<frameset rows="100%,*" border=0 onLoad="init();">
<frame name=main src= scrolling=no noresize>

Thanks in advance :)
