Degraded performance on a production machine

On my development machine my application used up about 4-6MB of memory per request. After switching to a production machine those numbers went as high as 21+MB per request, without any speed improvement (0.30 - 1.2 seconds, which I really hoped to improve on my production machine). Some portions of application (like database bootstrapping) used up 271KB on a development machine and 2.5MB on the production one, so I'm wondering what could be the reason for this. My application uses Zend Framework 1.10.8 (MVC) and Doctrine 2.0beta4 ORM and PDO_MySQL as a database adapter.My development machine:Windows 7 32bit, 1.8GHz Dual Core, 2GB RAM, PHP 5.3.2, Apache 2.2.15, MySQLnd 5.0.7-dev (Zend Server CE)My production machine:CentOS 5.5 64bit, 2.66GHz Quad Core, 8GB RAM, PHP 5.3.3, Apache 2.2.16, MySQL 5.1.48Also, I wasn't really able to find a bottleneck, it's like it's application-wide. Please tell me if I should provide any additional info.Update:
Zend Server, which I use on my dev machine, has Zend Optimizer+ and APC enabled, and my sysadmin recommended me that I should use eAccelerator, so I followed his advice. However, on phpinfo() I see this: \[code\]eAccelerator Enabled trueOptimizer Enabled trueCheck mtime Enabled trueMemory Size 16,777,144 BytesMemory Available 16,772,976 BytesMemory Allocated 4,168 BytesCached Scripts 0Removed Scripts 0\[/code\]Does that mean it's not properly configured?