Defining package names for common XSD's with xjc and bindings


New Member
I'm trying to generate Java classes from several specific XSD's with \[code\]xjc\[/code\]. Those schemas have some definitions in common, so they import a number of common XSD's. In particular, they can include from zero to all of the common XSD's. I'd like to generate all classes from an specific XSD to a specific package, but keeping the generated classes for the common schemas in a common package, so they don't get repeated for each specific schema in the source tree.I've learnt that custom bindings can be used to specify packages on a per-schema basis, with for instance: \[code\]<jxb:bindings schemaLocation="common1.xsd" node="/xsd:schema"> <jxb:schemaBindings> <jxb:package name="mypackage.commonclasses"/> </jxb:schemaBindings></jxb:bindings>\[/code\]I've got the following structure: \[code\]schemas| - common| | - common1.xsd --> XSD with common types #1| | - ...| | - commonN.xsd --> XSD with common types #N| | - commonBindings.xjb --> Defines package "mypackage.commons" for common*.xsd| - specific1| | - specific1.xsd --> Includes ../common/common{1-N}.xsd| | - specific1.xjb --> Defines package "mypackage.specific1" for specific1.xsd| - specificN| | - specificN.xsd --> Includes only ../common/common1.xsd| | - specificN.xjb --> Defines package "mypackage.specificN" for specificN.xsd\[/code\]It all works fine with: \[code\]xjc -b schemas/specific1 -b schemas/common schemas/specific1/specific1.xsd\[/code\]It generates the classes for \[code\]specific1.xsd\[/code\] in \[code\]mypackage.specific1\[/code\] and the common classes in \[code\]mypackage.commons\[/code\]. But when I try to generate the classes for \[code\]specificN\[/code\], \[code\]xjc\[/code\] throws the following error: \[code\][ERROR] "file:/drive/dir/schemas/common/common1.xsd" is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake for "/drive/dir/schemas/common/commonBindings.xjb"? line 2 of file:/drive/dir/schemas/common/commonBindings.xjb\[/code\]I get this error repeated for every common XSD not imported in any specific xsd. Is there any way I can make \[code\]xjc\[/code\] ignore the bindings in \[code\]commonBindings.xjb\[/code\] that aren't used in the XSD I'm generating the classes for?Or, am I aiming in the wrong direction by using this approach, and should be, for instance, using annotations in the specific xsd? I'd like to avoid modifying the schemas if possible.