Defining bodies for mailto:


I'm trying to use a button to generate a printer friendly version of an HTML document and name this as the body of an E-mail using:<br />
<br />
location="mailto:idiot@here?body=" +bodyvar;<br />
<br />
where 'bodyvar' is a variable holding the required text. <br />
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All the HTML tags get escaped in the process and appear in the body of the E-mail, rather than formatting the text. Is it possible to include HTML formatting and javascript in any way?<br />
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I'd be really grateful if anyone could could help me out or point me in the direction of a relevant tutorial.<br />
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Cheers, A<!--content-->It should be possible, sounds more like maybe your email application is not setup to recieve HTML encoded email. Check your email application and make sure its set to recieve HTML emails, if it is, wait for someone else that knows JAVA better than I do to give you some help.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->sounds like you need a subroutine to not escape those characters. but as kevin said, I too ain't very good in js<!--content-->