i looking for help... and hope of you kindlyI want to change my site language model from radio button to auto dropdown button using loopThis the languages\[code\]if ($lang=="en") {//Pagesdefine ("Pages", "Pages") ;}if ($lang=="de") {define ("Pages", "Seiten") ;}\[/code\]This the existing Radio button\[code\] <td width="60%">Languange<b><BR /> <?php if ($lang == 'en') { print '<input type="radio" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2029066/de" checked name="lang_" /> German   <input type="radio" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2029066/en" name="lang_" />English '; } else { print '<input type="radio" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2029066/de" name="lang_" />German   <input type="radio" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2029066/en" checked name="lang_" />English '; } ?> </b></td>\[/code\]and the Radio button above i want to change drop down button, i looking your help please