Debugging layout xml file - file not loaded into system


New Member
I'm having trouble getting my layout xml file loaded into the system. I need it loaded in adminhtml for a module I'm building, so here's the part of the config that matters:\[code\]<adminhtml><layout> <updates> <coupsmart_coupon> <file>coupsmart_coupon.xml</file> </coupsmart_coupon> </updates></layout></adminhtml>\[/code\]Now, the actual layout file, named coupsmart_coupon.xml file, is as follows:\[code\]<layout> <coupsmart_coupon_adminhtml_coup_index> <update handle="coupsmart_coupon"/> <reference name="content"> <block type="coupsmart_coupon/adminhtml_forms" name="myform"/> </reference> </coupsmart_coupon_adminhtml_coup_index></layout>\[/code\]Now, to debug this, I put an error in the layout xml file, such as leaving out a closing bracket (>), and I got no exceptions. So I checked the handles using \[code\]$this->getLayout()->getUpdate()->getHandles()\[/code\] in my controller, and I got back \[code\]coupsmart_coupon_adminhtml_coup_index\[/code\] as one of the handles, which is exactly what I named the handle in my layout xml file. Why else would this not be loading?Note: I have cleared cache and tried again. Still not working. I also do have logs on and exceptions on, so an exception should have shown in my logs. If any other code is needed let me know.