Death of the domain name!


Staff member
Hi Guys,

I need alittle advice from all your SEO and website site guru's out there.

We have a company website thats been online for about 6 years, its a domain and over the past 2 years iv noticed alot of changes in search engines (especially international search engines) with regards to positioning and general ranking

It seems that domains are now losing alof of rankings and in many cases lost positioning is most .com based search engines. Now this might seem right since its a domain but the products we sell is on an international level and over the 6 years we have spent alot of money ensuring this domain name is highly ranked in google.

My question is this. Should we start working with a new domain thats .com or .org and phase out the domain to better enable search engine placement as most international search engines are not ranking us well because of the

any advice would be gratefully apprichated.