

New Member
Hey, just thought I'd say hi. I've lurked around and freeloaded for a while on here, but figured it wouldn't hurt to introduce myself.

I'm a pretty seasoned PHP and MySQL coder, so I've been known to fix bugs and stuff. I do contracted work too, not that I want to look like I'm spamvertising, or anything.

vBulletin isn't my big thing, but I'm a staffer on a Big Board(TM) with a number of mods (both in-house and third-party) and I occasionally submit patches. As the name implies I'm big on Linux and have spent my fair share of time playing around with a graphics editor that is better than Photoshop.

vBTEAM has been a great resource because I need to run local copies of vB for developing and testing my code but don't want to have to pay for a license for software I'll never put to real use. I tend to stick with free forums (namely PunBB) for production.
