DDDSDL - Different Domain, Different Style, Different Language


New Member
This is a simple add-on which will force a specific styleid and languageid based on the host url the user visited.

If you have 2 domain names which point to the same forum, you can have a customized style and language based on the domain name visited. You can do what you want, but it may be as simple as only having a different banner reflecting the host name visited, or if you have merged 2 forums - users could still get the same skin they always have had if they continue to visit the same URL.

Other uses may be having wap.domainname.com point to a different style than www.domainname.com.

With the HOST matching be aware that if the URL specified in the add-on matches anywhere in the url visited, the add-on will be triggered.

e.g. if URL specified in add-on = domainname.com, any subdomains of domainname.com will match this.

Additionally was added:
  • Support of language selecting;
  • Support of default style or language for overall forum, so you can set only specific style or language for selected domain;
  • Checking of cache. So if user manually select different style or language - this mod will not overwrite his prefences.

product-dddsdl37_5-domain-version.xml supports one to five additional domains.

You can see a live demo
http://www.mcrf.ru - no DDDSDL used.
http://www.mcrf.info - Turned on English Language, but using default or User selected Style
http://pda.mcrf.ru - Selected PDA style, but Language is using by default or user selected.
http://pda.mcrf.info - Selected PDA style and English language
I wonder why this plugins doesn't works for my vbulletin 3.8.1

I'm sure I had enable it, activate it and I put mobile.mydomains.com
but when I open using that subdmains, still the style did not change

confuse.. hehe