DbCombo V1.1 released


New Member
Cambro have just released V1.1 of the DbCombo component - our web combo-box that autocompletes values from the server as you type.<BR><BR>An evaluation version of DbCombo is also now available, so you can try DbCombo on your own server.<BR><BR>New features include:<BR><BR>* Your server method can now be in the aspx page or the codebehind. DbCombo will intelligently search for it. <BR><BR>* We've added many new attributes for styling the individual HTML elements. <BR><BR>* We've added a 'help' button. <BR><BR>* You can now turn off the 'help' or 'revert' buttons if you don't need them. <BR><BR>* We've given you the ability to change any of the textual elements in DbCombo