I have searched a lot but could find the anwser to this problem :
I have PHP 4.05 , Mysql en Apache 1.3.19 installed on my pc.
I get a error when i execute the following script.
dba_open("index.html", "c" , "db2");
Warning: no such handler: db2 in c:\foxserv\www\h.php on line 2
I know i have directed the path in Php.ini to the extensions correct because php wouldn't recognize the function if the path was incorrect.
i have enabled the following dll's in my php.ini
The other dll's have a ; and are disabled.
I have tryed the handels dbm, ndbm, gdbm, db2 & cdb.
I know the first to arent supported anymore but i tryed db2 ? that should work.
I have already looked on PHP.net but noone has discribed the same problem. The only problem i see there a getting iss and the dll working.
PHP doesnt recognise the handel what should i do ?
I have already tryed to install phptraid (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/</a><!-- m -->) en Foxserv (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxserv">http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxserv</a><!-- m -->)
they both install php apache and sql standard but even those pakkets give the same error.
who can help me please ?
I have already searched the forum to find if someone had similar problems but i didnt find anything.
tnx in advance RaYMaN
ps sorry for the bad english hope you understand me
I have PHP 4.05 , Mysql en Apache 1.3.19 installed on my pc.
I get a error when i execute the following script.
dba_open("index.html", "c" , "db2");
Warning: no such handler: db2 in c:\foxserv\www\h.php on line 2
I know i have directed the path in Php.ini to the extensions correct because php wouldn't recognize the function if the path was incorrect.
i have enabled the following dll's in my php.ini
The other dll's have a ; and are disabled.
I have tryed the handels dbm, ndbm, gdbm, db2 & cdb.
I know the first to arent supported anymore but i tryed db2 ? that should work.
I have already looked on PHP.net but noone has discribed the same problem. The only problem i see there a getting iss and the dll working.
PHP doesnt recognise the handel what should i do ?
I have already tryed to install phptraid (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/</a><!-- m -->) en Foxserv (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxserv">http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxserv</a><!-- m -->)
they both install php apache and sql standard but even those pakkets give the same error.
who can help me please ?
I have already searched the forum to find if someone had similar problems but i didnt find anything.
tnx in advance RaYMaN
ps sorry for the bad english hope you understand me