DB Design suggestions


New Member
I am a teacher/techie(newbie) and need to create a simple way of printing an ineligible list each 5 weeks. The criteria for being ineligible are as follows...

IF you are failing 2 or more classes for the first time this year, you are ineligible for a period of 2 weeks.

IF you are failing 2 or more classes (may be different than previous offenses) for the second or more time this year, you are ineligible for a period of 5 weeks.

I export the list of failures from our administrative software every 5 weeks and will "INSERT" it into the appropriate tables so I can "SELECT" 2-week offenders and 5-week offenders appropriately.

Any suggestions on the tables and their design would be appreciated. I figured I would need 1 or 2 tables.

Please reply directly to me since I have little time to "surf" and I do read my mail each day deveral times.

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