Dataview to serach or sql to search?


New Member
in the rowfilter properties of the dataview, I type statement like mydataview.rowfilter= "prodname like 'men in bla*'"<BR>This is the same as sql to search the records which contains "men in bl" in the beginning. Amazing!!! <BR><BR>So, what is the relationship with the rowfilter properties with sql, if I search from a huge database, which one is better: connect to the database using sql or, filter the dataset..<BR><BR>thanks in advance.. <BR>My first thought would be that you should use SQL for two reasons. 1st, you offload the processing of the filter to your DB server. 2nd, you won't keep the dataset in your web server's memory. <BR><BR>Now, you say this is a huge database. I assume SQL, Oracle, etc? Are there indexes set on the tables you are searching? If they are set up correctly, and you are not searching long text fields, then sql may be better still. <BR><BR>Hope this insight helps, I would like to hear more opinions either way...