Datagrid Paging



so i'm trying to add basic paging to my data grid, under "normal circumstances" w/ a direct SQL query, things would be easy, however i'm using oracle and taking the following steps:

w/in class A:

1. open the DB Connection
2. create a ref to class B ~~ my stored proc is in here along w/ transferring the data to a TypeDataSet
3. call class B's method to fill my dataReader by calling a stored proc w/ a returned cursor
4. call class B's method to transpose the dataReader object into a TypeDataSet which is finally returned to class A

5. once i get this filled TypeDataSet object i do the following in my class A code to try and establish a cached set of data that my datagrid can page through:

// Cache application report data
Cache["ReportData"] = rptDataSet;


private void PageIndexChanged(object sender, DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e)
RptResDataGrid.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

private void BindData()
SeNTReportTDS tempDataSet = (SeNTReportTDS)Cache["ReportData"];

RptResDataGrid.DataSource = tempDataSet;

NOTE: w/o paging, everything works fine, however when i tried to implement this i get the following error:

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SeNTReporter\SeNTReportResults.aspx(24,102): error CS0122: 'SeNTReporter.SeNTReportResults.PageIndexChanged(object, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs)' is inaccessible due to its protection level

help.. please?ok.. i just changed the PageIndexChanged() handler to public and i don't get that error, however, my grid has no results, when the reader is coming back populated.

does anyone see anything i'm doing wrong?