datagrid item-style cssclass help


New Member
This attribute puts the style on the TR of the table... How can I put a style on the TD of the table??? I want to put a border: 1px solid black around the TD... but this attribute puts it on the TR. :( <BR><BR>Any ideas?<BR><BR> <asp:datagrid <BR> id="dgResults" <BR> runat="server" <BR> BackColor="#dddddd" <BR> CellSpacing="3" <BR> CellPadding="3" <BR> ItemStyle-CssClass="tdResultsItem" <BR> AutoGenerateColumns="false"<BR> EnableViewState="false" <BR> BorderWidth="0"<BR> width="100%"><BR> <BR> <columns><BR> <BR> <asp:TemplateColumn headerstyle-cssclass="tdResultsHeader" HeaderText="Actions"><BR> <ItemTemplate><BR> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label2" NAME="Label1">Edit Delete</asp:label><BR> </ItemTemplate><BR> </asp:TemplateColumn>asdf