How do I build a datagrid hyperlink column with more than 1 attribute-value pair? I want to build a querystring that has at least 2 attribute pairs. The properties of the "Hyperlink Column" do not seem to facilitate more than one pair. The "Data Text Field" only supports one data source. For instance, if you click a field in column 1, I want to build the querystring to use the value from column 1 and column 2.Use one field for your text, and then for the value, use a concatenated field of multiple columns. An example would be if you want to display address, but send address, city, and state. So I would do:<BR>strSQL = "SELECT address, address + '*' + city + '*' + state AS concat_fields"<BR><BR>Then, you have to break concat_fields back down again in order to get all the columns stored in the value for your hyperlink column. Does that make sense?I understand the SQL part, but what values would I be entering for DataNavigateUrlField and DataNavigateUrlFormatString to make this work?What are you using right now? Also, what do you want it to look like (exactly)?Right now I have:<BR>DataNavigateUrlField="company_ID"<BR>DataNavigateUrlFormatString="nextPage.aspx?company_ID={0}"<BR><BR>I would like the DataNavigateUrlFormatString to look something like ="nextPage.aspx?company_ID={0}&company_Name={0}"<BR><BR>Are you telling me I need to make "company_ID" a concatinated value containing both company_ID and company_Name? Then what should the DataNavigateUrlFormatString look like to accept this?You're right in that you need to use a concatenated value instead of company_ID. Then, for DataNavigateUrlFormatString, it should look like ="nextPage.aspx?concat_fields={0}"<BR>Then, break concat_fields back down in nextPage.aspx. As long as you parse it back out as companyid first, followed by company name, you're fine.I've never tried this, but I wonder what it would do...<BR>Perhaps you could have companyid and company_name in your sql statement, then do:<BR>DataNavigateUrlFormatString="nextPage.aspx?company_ID={0}&company_name={1}"<BR>I'm not sure if that would work or not, but it might be another option to avoid concatenation and parsing.<BR>Thanks, I'll give that a go. I thought there would be a cleaner way to accomplish this. I didn't believe this to be an uncomman request of a hyperlinkcolumn in a datagrid.Another solution to this would be using a datatable that is prepopulated with the data from the database and binding it to the datagrid. In the datatable you could build a hyperlink there and have TOTAL control over what goes in about using a TemplateColumn instead of a HyperlinkColumn. this gives you COMPLETE control over what is included. for example you could do the following...<BR><BR><ItemTemplate><BR> <a href='nextpage.aspx?company_ID=<%# Container.DataItem("company_ID") %>&company_Name=<%# Container.DataItem("company_Name") %>'>Link</a><BR></ItemTemplate>I think , this is the best solution, <BR>But if we don't want to display "company_ID" field:<BR>The solution:<BR><asp:BoundColumn DataField="company_ID" Visible="False"/> <BR><BR>Thanks! Works perfectly.