I copied the code below from the aspng/quickstart site & pasted into an aspx file. The problem is it doesnt work, it fails to load the dropdown. Can anyone tell me why? Seems like a simple enough example to try, but I'm obviously missing something!<BR><BR><BR><html><BR><head><BR><BR> <script language="VB" runat="server"><BR><BR> Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) <BR> If Not IsPostBack Then<BR><BR> Dim values as ArrayList= new ArrayList()<BR><BR> values.Add ("IN")<BR> values.Add ("KS")<BR> values.Add ("MD")<BR> values.Add ("MI")<BR> values.Add ("OR")<BR> values.Add ("TN")<BR><BR> DropDown1.DataSource = values<BR> DropDown1.DataBind<BR> End If<BR> End Sub<BR><BR> Sub SubmitBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)<BR> Label1.Text = "You chose: " + DropDown1.SelectedItem.Text<BR> End Sub<BR><BR> </script><BR><BR></head><BR><body><BR><BR> <h3><font face="Verdana">DataBinding DropDownList</font></h3><BR><BR> <form runat=server><BR> <BR> <aspropDownList id="DropDown1" runat="server" /><BR><BR> <asp:button Text="Submit" OnClick="SubmitBtn_Click" runat=server/><BR><BR> <p><BR> <BR> <asp:Label id=Label1 font-name="Verdana" font-size="10pt" runat="server" /><BR><BR> </form><BR><BR></body><BR></html><BR>