Database Structure


Staff member
I am currently just beginning the development of a PHP application that will allow people (mostly in college, but wherever) to add all the necessary information about their night of movies: The location, the start time, the movies being presented (along with the rating, length, synopsis, etc) and any other notes that they would like to add. The users should be able to put in as many movies as they want. The problem here is trying to come up with a way to keep everything organized; if they wanted to show "Bounce" first, the script shouldn't try to put "Dracula 2000" or "Hannibal" first, and screw up the order. After some thinking, I have decided to use 2 tables:

Main Table:
ID -> Primary Key
stime -> Starting time of the movies
campus -> such as UNL, UCLA, etc.
Dorm -> Name of the dorm
Room -> Room number
Misc -> Miscellaneous notes

Movies Table:
ID -> Movie ID (primary key)
Title -> Movie title
Rating -> Rating of the movie
Length -> Length (in minutes)
Synopsis -> Movie plot
Order -> Movie presentation order
Belong -> Movie night the movie belongs to (this value would correspond to the ID column in the Main Table)

So, the question is... would this work as a structure? I'm currently planning on using table joins. Is this a wise idea? Am I wasting space on this table, and it needs to be optimized? Am I missing something, and it needs to be added? Thanks for all the help.