Database error when upgrade board to 3.7.0 Beta 6


New Member
plz help me!

this error in box
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE usergroupleader ADD index ugl (userid, usergroupid);

MySQL Error   : Duplicate key name 'ugl'
Error Number  : 1061
Date          : Friday, March 14th 2008 @ 02:10:47 PM
Script        :
Referrer      :
IP Address    : 222.*
Username      : 
Classname     : vb_database
MySQL Version : 4.1.21-standard

thanks for answer
WOW... your still using 3.0 lol..... then you need to do all steps for upgrade so 3.0.. 3.1 3.2 3.5 etc etc.... download 3.5 upload all files to ftp and upgrade do all upgrades do this till you reach 3.7 lol... can take a while...

easy way.... send all your members an email that they need to re-register and start a new forum lol