Database driven website newbie help


Staff member
Hi I am fairly new to web development!

I am creating a piece of a larger database driven web application that runs via a new window.

I have validated my html (xhtml really) and css files via validators and when I enter my file URL or use IE to open it outside of the larger application the page renders properly. However, once I call it from the dropdown menu in the larger application all I see is the majority of my code. Yet if I take the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> tag away from the top of my html file then the page renders, but does not appear to be communicating with the database.

I am also, using an xsl file for data handling (not formatting) which is being called by custom tags that I created within my html file for example <sias-insert-boundary /> which then sends a request to the database to return a collection from a given table. Unfortunately I am working with spatial objects and cannot use a bean and javascript to query the database. The data I receive back will be used to render a map of a specific pinpointed location.

I have searched high and low for an answer to why the page is not rendering properly within my application but renders fine outside of it and I have yet to find an answer. I am in hopes that someone has had a similiar experience and may provide me with some answers or direction to solve this dilema!

Sorry to be soooo long winded, just wanted to explain why I can't simple use beans, jsp, and js to accomplish this.

