Data Entry and Panel


New Member
I have 30 text boxes that user will fill and they are <BR>grouped in a set of 3x10. <BR>When user logs in first 10 are shown and when user clicks <BR>on NEXT button, 1st panel goes to hiding and next panel <BR>with second 10 text boxes shows up and finally when user <BR>fills this, NEXT button will bring last panel and previous <BR>2 panels are hid.<BR><BR>THis is all on one page. At the end of last panel I will <BR>use submit, other NEXT buttons are causing panels to show <BR>and hide using function.<BR> <BR>I am coming from classic ASP and want to know how do <BR>I "grab all these 30 text boxes data" and I'll run insert <BR>statement on the same page to insert record? <BR><BR>Any efficient way or I have to use type=hidden (??) to <BR>carry the data or session variables will serve the purpose. Using panel, I can only grab last panel's data.<BR><BR>Appreciate any suggestion.<BR><BR>Thanks.<BR><BR>K Virk<BR>Ahh, the beauty of<BR><BR>to hide:<BR>panelname.visable = false<BR><BR>to show:<BR>panelname.visable = true<BR><BR>The controls will use viewstate, so once you set a controls visabilty to false it should remain hidden for that use during that session.<BR><BR>As long as you have the controls contained within the panels you can control the visability of them simply with the panel.I am doing panel hide and show thing. When tope 3 panels are hidden and 4th panel is showing, I am getting info from 4th panel only using request.form("variable").<BR>Any thoughts?ahh, I see. You should do something with the data that is passed from each of the form fields contained within each panel. I would suggest after each submit that you hide a panel, you also do this for each form element in that panel:<BR><BR>registerhiddenfield("fieldname", request("fieldname"))<BR><BR>But you would need to do that for each group that gets populated each time. This will create on the fly hidden fields and populate them with your data.