Data Download


Staff member
I have a sql server 2000 db behind an asp site and I want my users to be able to download the results of a query that is displayed on a web page (it is displayed in table format). My thought is that they could click a link that would:
1) Create a tab-delimited text file of that data
2) Allow them to download it
3) Kill the text file on my end

Does this make sense? If so, can someone point me to a source for instructions on how to do this? It this is not the best way to do this, can someone give me a better approach?

Thanks!why not stream it directly back to the response, like a page with the query just pass parameters to it that just does

Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Query.txt")

Response.Write Field & vbTab
Response.EndI am missing some key ideas here. I have never done what you are suggesting. Can you explain a little more in detail or direct me to a tutorial?

Thanks~create a page that never writes the file to the local server sorta like an ASP page that sends a file that is created on the fly but never written to the drive.

the details i have given you will lead you on your way to completing this task without having to delete any file because they do not exist.Thank you! I will get on it. I appreciate your help.