Dangers with CSS in SSI?


If I include a link to a 'css'-file in a 'html'-document which is being included via a 'ssi'-tag...<br />
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Wow... there's almost humour in that sentence...<br />
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Well, are there any dangers with that? (Ie. multiple included 'css'-files cause trouble later in the page...)<br />
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/Robert<!--content-->I've done it a few times. Use absolute addresses.<br />
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I don't see the problem in getting reckless with code as long as it doesn't have to be online asap.<br />
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Try all sorts of things - it's the only way to advance, isn't it?<br />
d.<!--content-->exaclty, learn from your mistakes. Most people read the books, go to the classes, but learn most things about this sorta stuff through mistakes.<!--content-->