Cyb - ChatBox v2.0


New Member
Version: 3.7.x Cyb - ChatBox v2.0


Powerful AJAX-based ChatBox for vBulletin.

Main Features:
-One step installation (no file uploads, no manual template modifications required)
-Put ChatBox on any forum page by setting script name and adding variable to desired template
-"ChatBox Full" (always available on separate page)
-"Messages Archive" (available on separate page, with options to edit/delete messages)
-"ChatBox Search"
-Option to block usergroups from viewing ChatBox
-Option to delete messages older than x hours automatically
-"ChatBox Statistics" (new messages since last visit, messages in last x hours, total messages, top x chatters,...)
-View users active in ChatBox (available in CBFull and Archive)
-Text formatting options (color, weight, style, decoration,...)
-Advanced Smiliebox
-Smiliebox options: total smilies available, smilies per row, smilie clipping, disable smilies...
-A lot of customizable stuff, including: set new/old status icons, time/date format, box height, message order, auto-refresh intervals,...
-One-click actions: View all messages posted by user X, Delete all messages posted by user x, Ban/unban user from ChatBox, View last message posted by user X, View your last message, View first unread message
-"/me" action (used when you want to refer to yourself in the "third person")

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
2. OPTIONAL (custom placement on forum page)
Open desired template and put "$cybchatbox" to desired line.

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - ChatBox

v1.0 - Sep 15. 2007.
-First version
v1.1-v1.6 - Sep/Oct 2007.
-Bug fixes, improvements, several new options added,...
v1.7 - Oct 07. 2007.
-Released at
v1.8 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where moderators can not delete messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for active users
-New: Option to enable auto-refresh for guests
-New: Option to reverse message order (newest at bottom)
v1.8.1 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where colspan in Archive is not set correctly for moderators
-Added ability to disable date in mesages (simply leave date field blank)
-Added option to have ChatBox always collapsed by default (ChatBox Full not affected)
v1.8.2 - Oct 12. 2007.
-Fixed bug (reversed message order gives wrong results)
-New: Set timecut in minutes for active users listing
-New: Automatically parse links in messages (can be disabled)
v1.8.3 - Oct 13. 2007.
-Auto-prune setting field restored
-Fixed bug where some users are logged-out after posting message
-Improved detection and listing of active users
-If user is active in ChatBox it will be shown in profile and wol list
v1.9 - Oct 15. 2007.
-New: Not all smilies are loaded on startup. Set how many of them you want to show before user clicks "More".
-New: "/me" user action ("/me" in submitted message will be replaced by author's username, and message appears in color you set)
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.1 - Oct 15. 2007.
-Fixed bug from previous version where message area height not follows your settings properly
v1.9.2 - Nov 06. 2007.
-New option in user menu: View messages posted by user
-Option to allow users to delete their own messages
-Fixed bug where admin with primary usergroup different than 6 is not able to delete all messages
-Fixed bug where links to member profiles in messages are broken at "/member.php"
-"Delete Selected" moved to phrases
v1.9.3 - Nov 20. 2007.
-New: Set groups able to view Chatbox but not post messages
-New: Set groups able to edit/delete all messages, and ban/unban users from ChatBox
-New: Customize color list in message posting interface
-New: Ban list
-Fixed default text color
-Fixed some compatibility issues for "/me" action
-Fixed bug where some users get db error when importing product
-Fixed bug where you need to refresh page after "Busy" message to continue chatting
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.4 - Nov 21. 2007.
-Fixed bug with changing colors in IE
-Some code optimization done
v1.9.5 - Nov 26. 2007.
-Fixed bugs with stripping html tags and "/me" action
v1.9.6 - Nov 29. 2007.
-New: ChatBox Search
-New: Click on message icon in main box to open message for editing/deletion
-Fixed bug with page navigation
-Minor bug fixes/code improvements
v1.9.7 - Dec 01. 2007.
-New: Find first unread message
-New: Find your last message
-New: Find last message by user X
v1.9.8 - Dec 05. 2007.
-New: Ban certain BB tags from being used in the ChatBox
-New feature in user messages view: "Locate this message in Archive"
-New: Message icons in Main box now opens Archive where requested message is highlighted
-New in "Top Chatters": Click on number to view chatter messages
-New in "My Messages": Click on number to view your own messages
-Fixed bug where space after username is lost in "/me" action message
v1.9.9 - Dec 06. 2007.
-New: Users with post count less than X can not view ChatBox
-New: Log/view/resolve IP addresses in CB messages
-Fixed bug with searching last message by user X
v2.0 - Apr 30. 2008.
-New: "Locate message in Archive" option in search results
-CSRF protection added
-Compatible with vBulletin 3.7 Gold (may not work with Beta/RC releases)
how can i have it so that even when im in a thread or at the user cp for the chatbox to still be accessible?
One or more of the templates containing a form is missing the <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" /> that 3.7.0 now requires. If you haven't installed any MOD along with your "gold" installation, it might mean that distribution isn't really the gold release.

when i installed it after 1 or 2 hours work
the server is down and i recieve a message from the hosting company with this
Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

and they told me that i have exceeded the cpu limits 20%
have u an idea and is there relationship between chat and this down ?????